Be the


you want

to be.

Helping parents

press pause

so you can focus

on what really matters.

Parenting today can feel overwhelming on so many levels. We are distracted, our kids are distracted and this can be a recipe for meltdowns, stress and anxiety all round.

I help parents take a step back and look at the bigger picture. You will find out what lies underneath your child's behaviour and how to regulate emotions so that co-operation becomes the norm in your home. You can take the first step by watching the free workshop below.

Discover exactly what is causing your child’s behaviour

Pause before responding to unwanted behaviour

Have a lifelong tool to handle any future behaviour challenges

Discover the real and often suprising reasons behind your child's behaviour.



There are 3 x 5 minute, no fluff videos plus a tool that you can use anytime to de-escalate challenging behaviour. Check your email for the PDF.

Hi, I’m Jo.

I love being a parent to my gorgeous son. Of course there are lots of things that I wish I had known at the start. Especially as an introvert, it took a while to figure out how to balance my needs with the realities of motherhood. After training at the Jai Institute, I started to approach parenting a bit differently by focusing on what really matters.

It is not about becoming a perfect parent - no-one is a perfect parent. The goal is to have a great relationship with your kids, grounded in trust and collaboration. To raise emotionally resilient children, who feel confident and good about themselves on the inside.

Join the workshop above to see my approach.


Blog Posts

What does it mean to parent differently?

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Why punishments and rewards can backfire

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The most effective but rarely used parenting tool

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